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The copyright of all texts (excluding texts from visitors on the forums) and (motion) pictures (excluding those provided to Freakpyromaniacs by third parties) lies with Freakpyromaniacs. No part of this website may be reproduced transmitted or utilized in any form or by any means, internet, photocopying or otherwise without written permission of Freakpyromaniacs.
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Here are some butterfly's that were shot when Tony and his crew weren't over at the ground bombs. There is an Italian name for them, but I can't remember it.
I just wanted to add that this is a great site. Kind of hard to read through the google translator, but it was nice meeting you guys last week.
Hopefully it isn't against the rules to post my videos.
The most of us speak and read englisch the only problem is then the translation from dutch to englisch for u. If u got problems whit it, please contact one of us.
About the vids. Keep them comming! never to much of video material.
You can post any firework related video you have! Every member on this forum is a real fireworkfreak, and want to see a lot of movies and pictures of it!
Thanks for sharing your 2 vids of the groundsalutes.