Belgian events in October?


Registered User
Hi all,

I will be visiting Belgium from Oct. 20 - Nov. 2 and was wondering if anyone knows of any shows going on then.

I also took a look at the Alpeco movies and their website. Is there a special time of the year fireworks are sold to consumers in Belgium or can they be purchased any time of the year? What about using consumer fireworks in Belgium, does anyone here know the regulations?

Thanks for any help you can offer,



FPM Moderator
hi kevin,

in the calender of this site there isn,t a show planned in belgian. in the date that you are in belgian.

about alpeco: there is no special time or date that you can bye over there it,s all year long.

about the regulations from somebody from the us, this is something i am not know with.

but i think there are some person,s over here that can help you with that question!


Registered User
In Belgium you can buy consumer fireworks all the year long. Normally you need to have a permission from the city for shooting them, but when you shoot some cakes and rockets the police will not be difficult. Dont shoot it on public places like the street etc.. but on a private property. Don't shoot too long just a few cakes or so.


Registered User
Thank you both for your replies. Can't wait to get back to Belgium.

I don't know if we will make it up to Apleco, does anyone know of any firework stores/vendors in the Brugge/ De Haan area?

You say not to shoot in the public areas or the street, do you think there is a problem with shooting off of the beach in De Haan? We were there in November of 2003 and the beach was pretty much deserted, we even had a hard timne finding a hotel that was open during that time of the year.

Looking forward to the great Belgium experience, the best chocolate in the world, the best beer in the world and even the best food/cuisine in the world!



Registered User
the beach is a good place to shoot fireworks. there are no buildings nearby and no people to hurt:) only in the summer, so thats allright. I never heard of a fireworks shop in that area, so you better arrange something to get to alpeco!

Good luck