Remove the mascletá of gunpowder Borredà


Ik heb dit bericht overgenomen uit het Spaanse forum gedeetle waar Activi hem geplaatst heeft. Vertaald met een translator die het behoorlijk doet ook dus ik ga ervanuit dat het voor iedereen duidelijk is.

The pyrotechnic Pepe Borredà had real problems yesterday in pushing forward its mascletà. when barely missing half an hour for the start of the show, Civil Protection told that it should withdraw part of the fireworks that had been prepared because the gauge was more than allowed.

The maximum load permitted in a mascletà is 120 kilos of gunpowder which must be placed in masclets and carcasses of 75 millimeters or less. But during the inspection, members of Civil Protection found that the sizes reached between 90 and 100 mm diameters much higher than the allowed. The Government is the one that authorizes the burden, but Civil Protection is responsible for reviewing the fireworks and see that coincides with what was agreed. In reviewing the mascletà have seen that the sizes were superior and we have been forced to withdraw," said yesterday, a spokesman for Civil Protection.

Despite the explanations and justifications of Pepe Borredà there was no turning back and the young pyrotechnic and his team began to change and modify the structure of the mascletà with the wind speed remained at just a few minutes to two o'clock. At the end went well. I think that carried the correct caliber and as far as is. Anyway, I have done and I am not going to remove say more. Even though we have had to make very rapid because it was almost time If we had said before ...", Borredá Pepe said, shortly after finishing his shot.

Sources of Civil Protection ensured that the inspection must be carried out minutes before the start of the shooting to bring it all in order and no time to add more material materials once supervised. It's in our hands the security of all the spectators who come daily to the City Hall Square and must comply with the limits set out in regulation," added the spokesman for Civil Protection.

Assemblyman Citizen Security, Miquel Dominguez, received a detailed report on what had happened in the shooting yesterday to discuss it in detail.

Maximum security
This year, both the Local Police and the Government does not want any unexpected and will control the millimeter all explosive charges that are exploding in the city to prevent accidents like the one that occurred last year in the street Azcarraga, which caused nearly one twenty wounded and material damage.

During every day of fallas, the police will monitor the transport of explosive material in each neplačila commission members themselves should narrow area and prevent fires in that area was circulating or smoke. This was agreed last week.

But despite the forced improvisation and last minute changes, the brothers went Borredà and note the consideration of the public and Valencia were ovacionados by participants.

They wanted to offer a great show after several years away from the City Hall Square because of the tragic accident at its facilities Rafelcofer on May 15, 2000 which killed 7 people

The tragic mishap and millionaire losses in its pyrotechnics were forced to be withdrawn from work until they have achieved reflotar again. "Yo me siento satisfecho con el disparo que he hecho y creo que la gente también. Es un momento muy importante y todavía estoy temblando de emoción", apuntó Pepe Borredà en el balcón tras recibir un gran aplauso del público. "I am satisfied with the fact that I shot and I think that people too. It is a very important time and I am still trembling with emotion," said Pepe Borredà on the balcony after receiving a huge applause from the audience.


Registered User
We hebben het er al eerder over regels tijdens Fallas worden strenger of strenger nageleefd.......

En ook uit dit stukje blijkt politie en de overige instanties staan partaat, ze zullen naar ik heb vernomen van een vriend van mij uit Valencia zeer scherp controleren op het vervoer van het vuurwerk door de schieters maar ook het publiek en dan voornamelijk wat de mensen meedragen en waar ze schieten wordt sterk in de gaten gehouden.....

Begreep dat er bijna geen politieagent vrij heeft de laatse 3 dagen van Fallas....dus veel controle op de been.

Alleen maar goed denk ik, voor ieders veiligheid.

Groeten en tot Fallas,
