Pirotecnia Valenciana opens the Fallas 2010


The day of the Crida, the Mayor of Falleras Valencia, María Pilar and Ariadne opened fire cycle these Fallas 2010.

At 14 hours, and once the interpretation of the paso doble The Faller, who started the mascletà Pyrotechnics Valenciana de Llanera de Ranes had prepared for the day of the Crida and that would mean the first shot of the fireworks schedule 2010.



The pyrotechnics company founded thirty-nine years by Manuel Crespo and now run by his son Jose Manuel, delighted the audience at Town Hall with a pyrotechnic show, which used 75 kilos of explosive mass and which was combining digital aerial fire with manual on the different phases.

After the firing of trons d'avis, M ª Pilar and Ariadne were in charge of ordering the fireworks with the expected "Pirotècnic Senyor, pot començar the mascletà. Junto a ella las Cortes de Honor de las Falleras Mayores de Valencia disfrutaron emocionadas de su primera mascletà en el balcón municipal. Beside her Courts of Honor of Senior Falleras excited Valencia enjoyed its first municipal mascletà on the balcony.



Around 5 minutes duration of a mascletà whose objective was to surprise the audience in the square by a strong shot with a vibrant and noisy end.

Again, the Town Hall Square fallero had a great atmosphere. En el balcón del Ayuntamiento de Valencia, presidiendo la mascletà se encontraba el concejal y Presidente de la Junta Central Fallera, Félix Crespo, acompañado por la cúpula directiva del máximo organismo fallero así como la edil socialista, Pilar Calabuig. On the balcony of the City of Valencia, was chairing the mascletà Councilman and Chairman of the Central Fallas, Felix Crespo, accompanied by senior management of fallero governing body and the Socialist mayor, Pilar Calabuig.

They also enjoyed on the balcony of this first mascletà hall by the master pyrotechnic Jose Manuel Crespo, the director of the Municipal Band of Valencia, Pablo Sanchez Torrella and representatives of the various musical groups that participated in the VII Input bands.
