Nieuws Fallas 2025

Plum Bloom

Registered User
Water zal wel weg zijn tegen die tijd, toch?

Zag overigens video van de nieuwe Turia langs de rand van de stad. Zelden vocht in zien staan, nu kolkend geheel met water tot niet heel ver onder de rand. Pffff.

Plum Bloom

Registered User
Local, van wie in maart nog wel eens filmpjes verschijnen op FPM, meldt dat z’n kelderbox tot de nok toe is volgelopen. Complete voorraad naar de gallemiezen.

Klein leed uiteraard, toch sneu. Hij had de boel net aangevuld.

Benieuwd of de opslagruimtes van importeurs en producenten aan wateroverlast zijn ontsnapt. In Chelva, waar El Gato zit, was het de hel op aarde, volgens een ooggetuige op


Registered User
Heel erg heftige berichten uit Valencia. Ook in enkele dorpen in de directe omgeving van Valencia stad.
Hopelijk vinden ze niet nog veel meer slachtoffers en kunnen ze spoedig starten met herstel.


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can be seen Turia river in the north, Albufera lagoon and Jucar river in the soth,
most damage in the south metropolitan area of the city. Valencia itself very little damage, the new riverbed has saved the city.
I have relatives in the affected area, all of them are ok, their homes are ok but have lost their cars.

This happens from time to time in this area of spain, normally in the beginning of autumm, the effects are very located, can be seen that the north of valencia is not flooded
Dutch people knows very well how destructive can be floodings.


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several fallas workshops damaged, some important fallas have their monumets in construction affected specailly Sueca and Antiga

Pedro Santaeulalia. The workshop has worked hard to seal the workshop, whose four entrances had been blown up. Inside there is not much to save because they almost have to start from scratch: the Turís falla "which was complete", several children's fallas of a member of the workshop and, above all, the Sueca-Literato Azorín falla. "We have found a finish on the train tracks." Inside the workshop is, in apparently good condition, the altar of the Baptismal Font, which is kept in the nave. But little else. The main room is a maelstrom of water, mud, scattered pieces and two cars "that we do not know who they are."

Joseu Beitia
The interior is indescribable. "It's not what has been lost from the Fallas, it's all the machinery. There's nothing useful. Everything has been lost." A piece of the top of l'Antiga de Campanar is still standing, into which a scaffolding has been embedded in an impossible way. Even the model is supported on a board almost miraculously. The same as a leopard, painted by Miguel Santaeulalia just a couple of days ago. But practically everything else is lost. Entire Fallas that were already there and everything that was of l'Antiga de Campanar and Camí Nou de Alzira,

The Cigarman


Doneeractie hulp DANA

Beste Fallas fans uit Nederland.

Zoals jullie weten is de regio Valencia getroffen door een grote ramp. Onze bevriende vereniging in Valencia (stad) waar wij de afgelopen jaren onze sponsor Mascleta hebben gehouden zijn dag en nacht in de weer om slachtoffers te helpen.

Wij staan in goed contact met hun en de verhalen zijn echt verschrikkelijk.


De omliggende dorpen zijn zo hard getroffen dat mensen zonder water en brood opgesloten zitten in hun huizen. Er vele honderden doden zijn en er nog meer dan 1900 mensen vermist zijn. Iedereen doet wat hij/zij kan maar zo hard als de mensen ook werken lijkt er geen eind aan de ellende te komen. En dan is er ook nog meer slecht weer op komst. De vele getroffen dorpen zijn veranderd in een apocalyptische wereld waarbij het lijkt alsof er een Tsunami over heen is geraasd.

De vereniging rijdt met de hele buurt naar de omliggend getroffen dorpen om eten en drinken te brengen. Non-stop kopen zij zoveel mogelijk hulpgoederen in om deze direct op de juiste plaats te brengen.

En zij kunnen onze hulp nu heel erg hard gebruiken!

Steun Valencia, Steun onze Fallas vrienden en doneer!


Het geld word direct ingezet en is (nogmaals) heel hard erg nodig!!

Dank jullie wel!!

namens onze Valenciaanse vrienden, de vereniging en iedereen daar
Laatst bewerkt door een moderator:


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For those who ere in Fallas Valencia in september 2021, there was a Dana in the area and in the fisrt day of fallas there was torrential rain and wind and several fallas were damaged.
That's what a normal Dana may cause, this is being more severe and it is lasting many days, moving along the east coast of Spain. This was so big that even touched inland and some rests reached even madrid in the night of the fatal events, it was a very big storm for a few minutes with very strong winds, it was scaring and it was just a rest of that Dana.
Dana is a new term, we always called it Gota Fría or Cold drop. It's not a new thing,every year we have one or two of these events and every few years one more severe may take place. You have torrential rains but locally very very strong rains, the problem this time is when the Dana didn't move, so instead of having floods of +100 l/m2 in a place, reached 500 l/m2 in a day, and this is what happened in the area in the west of Valencia. It almost didn't rain in the affected cities.

Seems that affected rivers were Magro river, affluent of Jucar River. I remember crossing that river by A3 highway in Requena when coming from Madrid, it is tiny with very little water, if any, that can hardly be called a river. The flood from this river was partially stopped by a dam but still affected Algemesi town mainly, not as bad as the other towns but still flooded with mud. Affected also Requena and Utiel where the heavy rains took place.

The other flood was in the dried river of Poio/Poyo, feed from the waters fallen in Chiva and Turis of +500 l/m2 in 24h. In some places raind in 24h more than it rained in the previous two years. That caused the flood, i would call it a tsunami. There were no dams to stop it. this ravine "barranco" has a capacity of 900m3/s
and this was recorded
until the water washed away the measurement systems

Turia river got + 2000 m3/s but the new riverbed is designed to deal with up to 5000 m3/s. The 1957 flooding of Valencia was over 3000m3/s that time the heavy rains hit the course of the Turia river directly.

For comparison, the Rhine River has an average volume of 2100 m3/s.