Mascleta Gironina 03/03/2012


FPM Moderator
De mascleta van Gironina.

Review van Mikel Pagola (

This afternoon there was the premiere of Gironina in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Valencia. It is true that even though the program officially announced the firing fireworks as "Gironina (Benlloch)" have to go considering that the name of the fireworks have just begun to be known as Gironina to dry. So technically we can say that it was his coming-out in this square.

The landing of the family-Minchan Cunillera in Valencia has had several aspects resaltables. Those familiar with my reviews of previous years (a decade long), know the importance that this website we have provided the highlight of the show: the entrance to the earthquake. Although mascletá obviously, is "a whole," a whole has some high points or greater prominence. The most compelling, most likely, is the "go for the kill" or the "ultimate fate" of the land phase. This genre has its reason pyrotechnic be in a sound expansion resulting finally in a climax (earthquake) to be able to produce with technical correction, yes, but mostly art.

Gironina, has five parts ground and in the last one, has used a total of 27 groups of thunder. Come on, it was very full at the end of the earthly body. Wide and finished strongly. And in the penultimate thunder of the end groups have connected the Estopin that would fire the earthquake. Very well: the fire has happened naturally, by itself, so mechanized. And it has come to an earthquake whose first four sections of them had 5 branches. Thus has been extended to 8, then to 14 and finally to 19. What has been achieved with this is (first and most important) to achieve entry to the earthquake very very nice and (second), leaving us to enjoy how it was swelling in a very natural and pleasant. By long enough to savor the moment, and making us see how the beast stretched and reached its maximum ability to roar. Thus has passed, quite correct to make the final aerial truenillos and thunder and a final section, this itself could be refined in the future. What about right at this last moment was that, after the final whistle when the final blow of thunder has expanded too much and that this also has fringe end. Well, that's for sure can be improved and will improve in future proceedings in this Cathedral of the Day Fire. At the end of the day was the first time that the firm acted in Valencia.

Another thing I liked is that the shooting has started with traditional Valencian fireworks. Hence it has shifted to air four starts. What im about them is that each has its own personality. You could look better for a secure future is the ordering of them. In today mascletá Gironina started wheezing continued and truenillos + a trickle of thunder. It has gone to red volcanoes truenillos + shots + shots and thunder cracker, after which they have fired smoke blue or purple (very nice combination and smoke, by the way). There, having only just smoke, yes there has been some downturn compared to the intensity that had previously won. It came with character and strong fumes alone have anything left "unemployed". Then there was a trickle of truenillos volcanoes and thunder and, beginning in the fourth air have been crosetes Vedes and red and whistles. There has been a marking (although it may draw more in the future), and he has put an end to all air opening theme, going to ground. While delimit it. But perhaps the most logical discourse would have won, having been ordered otherwise (the various early air, that is).

The beauty of this home, leaving aside its order, it has been long and heavy: colorful and varied. Very lively and interesting. They have been ways: intentions to do something different indeed. And that's very good. The "thrill" is very good but just need to survey a more reasoned intentionality (eg, say, the smoke could have been at first, after the fireworks, because it would have been of very good visual stimulus without force still sound. And from there continue on the following earlier more decibels. It's an expression.

In the earthly body I will not ignore the most striking of all, it's on air escorts. First when they ran up short in regard to their retention time. And second, that in the last deductions failed to run until Jose Benlloch Light got to arrest them by hand (which came out several at once). Clearly, this was not intended and is more evident (and most important), which Gironina, being aware of this setback, you can solve no problem for an upcoming performance. These are the things that happen sometimes and you learn fast. While it is true that the general image of the mascletá lost a lot when the earthly body work widower (without accompaniment), this is only an appearance of lack of investment.

The current trend (a few years back) loaded with much thunder knockers terrestrial bodies to the detriment of sound pieces more "filler" and entity less strong but very important (or downloads Rastres land, for example) makes that in times of hypothetical lack of air support, as in this case, the mascletá be not only lack of dressing but certainly something dry on the ropes, just as my friend and fellow critic Juan Jose Sola Palmer. Furthermore, this new company (referring to his debut in Valencia), was loaded with whistles accompaniments (which are radically different sound of thunder of land). So when the air is hushed, the remaining sound (the strings) was certainly lacking in these severed whistles. Put another way: if there is no (both) escorts dick in his absence (from air) had been noticed considerably less.

This thread is a reflection of what happened, nothing more. The reading I do is that (1) again is very difficult for them to happen, and if time to time. (2) That the failure has occurred in the coating in air and strong piece (on land). (3) And this is going to be in minimal (much to talk about it).

In the air raids were recovered by hand crosetes and whistles, re-dressing a well-fed ground fire as best he had was that force that closed his performance in the withholding passed through mechanization of the earthquake. Was achieved and a very natural connection, successful and beautiful. Since I mentioned at the beginning but worth it because the work remarcarlo here was really good. Between Eduardo and Jose Alberti Cunillera Benlloch Light decided to refine this point to "achieve a natural connection and growing, no stairs, of the terrestrial and the earthquake." The first one, the owner of Gironina, attended the Conference organized last November by Aidico in Valencia and there listened to the undersigned clerk, in a paper, to emphasize the supreme importance of this critical point in the mascletá. Everything else is dressing, enclosures and reinforcements (the air) that, indeed, interested in film but leaving them the importance lies not shooting. Yes the show, maybe. And so we must take care and I know this company and purge them as possible in subsequent proceedings.

But the important thing, the essence, "the fat" is the other. And especialemente, the entrance to the earthquake that is what makes the mascletá land (if it has been well run for the body), be beautiful. At this point the father of David and Neus Cunillera Minchan can be very, very happy, his debut. Controlled most complicated in the next (that will), are tuned air time than the duration of retention (and makes them work), period.

But I prefer the beautiful entrance to the earthquake (which was espoletado) we have enjoyed this afternoon at the Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Valencia Gironina hand. It has made me enjoy the climax and that's worth a lot. Dressings, again, I know that on another occasion, I'll see diving. Insurance. What I want to again enjoy an earthquake is well started, growing and robust as this. For that I will see mascletás. Clearly, to see macletá shows that are held in this square, all elements must work well and when they play. In this case you have not done: OK. But I am left with the first words I heard him Neus Cunillera Minchan on the balcony of City Council: "The first thing I did was call my mother to say that we are all well and that the public too."

Well, yes. And be showcased on the second time this square with all bound and tied it, but the important thing today is that the rulings have not been up or drop any items or anything like that. The faults that are artistic, that des-decorated but not serious. To monitor this security were very day by day, members of the inspection team of the Weapons and Explosives of the Guardia Civil. Thoroughly checked everything. "I understand what to do and I think right," said Eduardo Cunillera Alberti. "I stay calm even if they do. Also told us that we have everything well, so no problem. And this is because we have a very strong investment, material and personnel to release this new commitment to the holding of shows, beyond what had been our usual: the sale of material for public use. " PIROART.COM Since we have only to wish the firm success and many years of business in this new approach fireworks. And many more years in this place. So be it.

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Re: Mascleta GIRONINA 3/3/2012

De review van Mikel Pagola van Piroart staat in de 1te post.


Registered User
Re: Mascleta GIRONINA 3/3/2012

vind deze niet erg spectaculair
maar is wel mooi gefilmd soms heb je gewoon het gevoel dat ie uit gaat
vooral rond een minuut of 4


Registered User
Re: Mascleta GIRONINA 3/3/2012

Wat ik persoonlijk jammer vind is dat hij in de sectie "Inicio" het tweede gedeelte op 1,04min overgaat naar Cajas de Humo, waarbij er een soort van anti climax intreedt want het is dan beter het te begeleiden met Candelas de Silbatos om maar een voorbeeld te noemen. Wat ik wel mooi vind is de derde sectie met de hoge en lage toon "Truenillos" en de laatste vieder sectie was goed tempo opbouwend met een goed slot naar de eerste van de in totaal vier "Retenciones" met de verschillende groepen nummertjes 2.
Wat mij persoonlijk tegenviel was de totale zwakte in de "retenciones" waarbij er geen ontwikkeling was in het geluid in en naar groepen nummer 4 of 5. Jammer want zo komt de "Terremoto" in zijn geheel niet tot zijn recht en je ziet dat ook in de "Bombardeo" het geluid zich niet doorzet. Jammer voor "Benlloch" want hij heeft ze beter geschoten!


Re: Mascleta GIRONINA 3/3/2012

Foto's van Jose Manuel Donaire Gil van AmigosPirotecnia!
Hij word steeds beter in het fotograferen van de mascleta en misschien zijn dit wel de beste foto's die op het moment in Valencia gemaakt worden.















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FPM Filmer
Re: Mascleta GIRONINA 3/3/2012

Zeker niet perfect maar het ritme spreekt me erg aan waardoor ik het toch een fijne mascleta vind om naar te kijken.


Re: Mascleta GIRONINA 3/3/2012

Ik weet het niet hoor maar ik zie hier in de film van Amigospirotecnia totaal geen moment dat de mascleta volledig inkakt. Mis ik ergens iets?


Re: Mascleta GIRONINA 3/3/2012

Het geluid bij de beelden die we via de livestream te zien krijgen is zo slecht dat je de helft niet hoort. Als je van dat filmpje uitgaat is het een waardeloze show. Het filmpje van Amigos geeft de Mascleta pas echt goed weer. T'is zeker geen goede Mascleta want mijns inziens is het geheel wat sloompjes, de overgangen zijn niet strak en de timing van de finale is bedroevend.


FPM Kalender Beheer
Re: Mascleta GIRONINA 3/3/2012

Mascleta duren dit jaar gewoon wat langer ook heb ik het idee.
Crisis, dus langer genieten van't zelfde geld ofzo..?
Ik vond tot nu toe alleen de eerste mooi, al begreep ik dat die niet zo hard was.


Registered User
Nou nou niet overdrijven mannen, als je kijkt naar het Inicio gedeelte was goed te noemen, waarbij Benlloch redelijk jongleerde met zijn effecten en welk mooi in balans was en met goede afwisselingen met wel de jammerlijke tempoverlaging met Humo
Retencion 1 was ook prima rustig aanvangen met enkele luchteffecten (fuego acompañados) retencion 2-3 redelijk af en toe mooie roffels ( aceleracion o cantidad de potencia) maar ik miste bovenin de trueno's (Goteo). In retencion 4-5 mis je die absolute versnelling naar het punt (Ligar) verbinding naar Terremoto, jammer. Terremoto was op zich goed te noemen, alleen de Bombardeo en je hoort het ook op film van Amigos die miste die juiste climax (Andanandas) die slag! Al met al toch voor mij een 7.
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