Malta fireworks video on ebay


Registered User
I read this message on a newsgroup:

I finally got the Malta firework video tapes listed tonight on Ebay, but
the auction won't begin until 7:00AM PDT on Friday. The main item is a
good quality 2-hour tape shot in two different factories in Malta.

The other two tapes included (another 4-hours of video) are of Maltese
daytime and nighttime displays but are poor quality. They're kinda
blurry like a multi-generational tape. They were basically thrown in
because they were all part of the same set of videos shot by Bob
Cardwell of Pyrotechnica on his trip there in 1988.

I still have an auction open for John Conkling's "Chemistry of
pyrotechnics" book also at $41.95 versus $84.95 at B&N or Amazon.
That's a buy-it-now price, no need to watch or bid.