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La Descarga: Documental de Cangas



A tod@s, we inform you that the lists are now open to book "The shock: documentary de Cangas" We shot the last fiestas del Carmen at Cangas de Narcea Asturias. If you see algun@s juanito a rubber foam snowman will know what we are talking about, and if you don't know of that will take a look to our trailer.

The date of receipt of the copy will be from December 27, and the price of the documentary is... Don't price! How that is priceless? No, so. Each of vosotr@s will give you the price you want, copies give them in Exchange for the donation that you want! "In this first edition is a Special Edition with many extras:"Making Of the documentary"+"Official Trailer"+ Buiza official Trailer: the movie + diction by Juan Ramón Lucas written by Sara Fernández + exclusive Menu + pulled in first person by Michael" there are very few copies of the Special Edition! So if you enjoy Cangas and this Christmas you have to make a gift to your family but you don't want to spend too much! Purchase download: Documenta Cangas!

Book it because there are few more us!

Thanks to tod@s!

Apollo you