FESTIVAL Fallas 2020 - Coronavirus


helaas helaas helaas

afgelopen week niks van het virusje gemerkt, waardoor ik eigenlijk veel vertrouwen er in had. Jammer genoeg kwam gister bericht naar buiten dat het niet door gaat.

ik denk dat ze dit al begin van de maand voorspeld hadden, alleen gewacht hebben zo dat een over groot deel hun reis niet meer kan annuleren. Om zo toch financiële nog een beetje uit te komen.


Registered User
leen gewacht hebben zo dat een over groot deel hun reis niet meer kan annuleren. Om zo toch financiële nog een beetje uit te komen.
Dat zou dan alleen het stukje buitenlandse toeristen zijn zonder annuleringsverzekering. Ik vraag me af in hoeverre dat nog wat goedmaakt op het totaal.


Registered User
Annuleringsverzekering dekt dit niet, er is geen negatief reisadvies.
Vooropgesteld dat ik geen inzicht heb in de exacte herkomst van de bezoekers aan de Fallas;
Mijn gevoel zegt me dat de meeste hotelkamers tegenwoordig gratis geannuleerd kunnen worden. Bij Booking.com is dat vaak een gangbare standaard in het kameraanbod. hoe dar voor AirBnB zit weet ik niet.
Het zou dan grotendeels over vluchten gaan, en dat zijn m.i. vrijwel alleen de buitenlandse toeristen. Ik zou als Spanjaard lekker de HSL naar VLC nemen.
vandaar ook mijn eerdere opmerking;
Ik vraag me af in hoeverre dat nog wat goedmaakt op het totaal.


Zilveren Member
Nee hoor, valt best mee. Anders had ik het niet gedeeld toch :) ik vraag mij eerder af waarom mensen niet moe worden van deze overdreven maatregelen. Maar goed; gelukkig mag men (nog) een eigen mening hebben.

Iedereen mag een eigen mening hebben en deelnemen aan dit topic, ook als je niet van plan bent/was om naar Fallas af te reizen, maar het zou wel fijn zijn als het in dit topic gewoon blijft gaan over de gevolgen van het Corona virus met betrekking op Fallas cq. Valencia.

Ik denk dat je jouw standpunt ondertussen meer dan duidelijk hebt gemaakt in dit topic Sweet Laker en ik denk dat iedereen dat ook wel door heeft, alleen hebben je meeste berichten meer betrekking op de algehele situatie, dan dat ze specifiek gericht zijn op Fallas.

Laten we daarom (opnieuw) proberen dit topic te 'beperken' met berichten welke relevant zijn voor Fallas en/of Valencia. De algemene discussie kan gewoonweg verder worden gevoerd in het Corona virus discussie topic, wat ondertussen al aardig in gebruik is genomen.


Zilveren Member
Recentelijk gepubliceerd bericht op Levante-EMV.com met informatie van een recente persconferentie van de Burgemeester en de Presidente van de JCF:

Fallas and Coronavirus: The city is committed to "burn the failures" because "dismantling is complicated"
The Councilor for Fiestas Carlos Galiana states that "suspending the party by 2021" would create "great economic damage"

The mayor of Valencia, Joan Ribó, along with Sandra Gómez and Carlos Galiana have appeared at a press conference today after the announcement via communication, last night, of the suspension of the Fallas 2020. During his appearance, the Councilor for Fiestas, Carlos Galiana, has insisted on the need to "burn the failures" because "it is the idiosyncrasy of the party". However, the councilor has not set a date for that cremà, although he has assured that "dismantling is complicated" and, therefore, has advocated "burning the failures".

He has also insisted on what it would mean to permanently suspend the Josephine festivals and affirmed. "Suspending everything by 2021 would generate great economic damage."

A highly anticipated appearance
Ribó has begun recognizing the difficulty of facing this press conference "that he would not like to have to give" to transfer the data available to him today.

Regarding the questions that the decision made yesterday has awakened, the mayor has made it clear that some "will have to be answered by the City Council and others by the Generalitat."

Ribó has communicated that the news "has dismayed us, but health must prevail. I kept it from the beginning."

Regarding how to respond to the suspension, the mayor has assured that a consensus will be sought fallero and now they are considering different alternatives "but" we will not speculate without first having the necessary health information. "

The postponement implies an emotional coup for the city of Valencia, but also an economic one of substantial emigration. "The decision affects the different commissions, pyrotechnic artists, florist clothing, tent assembly companies, among other sectors of the party, so The town hall will initiate a round of party contacts as necessary.

Link naar het artikel: https://www.levante-emv.com/fallas/2020/03/11/fallas-2020-quemar-desmontar/1988222.html


Zilveren Member
Fallas 2020 and Coronavirus: Artists will not remove the monuments until someone takes over the cost

Professional associations maintain the idea that monuments must have been planted and burned

The guilds of fallero artists have recommended to their associates that they do not remove any fragments of faults that are in the streets until they are guaranteed who is responsible for these works "due to the high material cost and risk to the people who represent such work" .

In a statement from the Valencia, Burriana and Alicante groups, they claim to understand the postponement of the Valencia Fallas 2020, but remain firm in not assuming costs that would be ruinous. "This position is maintained until the competent authority, the Generalitat Valenciana, issues the decree detailing the conditions for the suspension of the 2020 Fallas."

The artists remain in the thesis that the idea of removing the monuments is not adequate. "We believe that the most reasonable, given the situation, is to finish planting and burn within the usual dates." This is what Councilman Carlos Galiana tried to save at the Generalitat meeting.

"Let us also advise colleagues who have pieces in the workshops that do not make any transport today, waiting for the conclusions reached."

The meditator wears a mask and claims herself as a symbol of calm

Escif - the urban artist who this year has been one of those responsible for the Municipal Failure of Valencia, which represents a large woman meditating - proposes to keep in the City Hall Square of the city "and until the resumption of the You fail the figure, which has been placed a mask that evokes the situation of health crisis by Covid-19. In this way, it would become "a symbol of patience, calm and hope so necessary these days."
Link naar het artikel: https://www.levante-emv.com/fallas/2020/03/11/artistas-retiraran-fallas-alguien-haga/1988157.html
Laatst bewerkt:


Zilveren Member
En hier nog een reactie van de Presidente van de Fallas uit de Sección Especial:

President of the Special Fallas: "suspending the Fallas is total ruin"

Rafael Mengó has lamented that the postponement has been taken by authorities that "do not know about failures and have not evaluated the repercussions"

The president of the Federation of Fallas of the Special Section, Rafael Mengó, has declared that the suspension and postponement of the Fallas is "a total ruin" for commissions as well as artists, with half-mounted monuments and that it will be very difficult be able to disassemble them The directives of the guilds of fallero artists, are gathered behind closed doors at the headquarters of the trade institution of the city of Valencia to analyze the situation created after the postponement of the faller parties announced last night by the Generalitat.

After stressing that the priority should be health security for the entire population, Mengó regretted that the suspension and postponement has been taken by authorities that "do not know about failures and have not evaluated the repercussions", both economic and organizational, That measure will have for the party of Fallas.

He has criticized that, before adopting this decision, the authorities have not consulted an entity such as the Special Fallas Federation of the Special Section, an association that groups together the most important failures of the city of Valencia, both for its budget (each Monument of this category costs between 100,000 and 300,000 euros) as for its height (around 14 meters) and which are the main focus of attraction for tourists.

The fallero leader has commented that "five of the nine failures of Special already have planted the central axis and now they will have to tell us how they are disassembled and where they are taken", so the suspension also entails some important annexed expenses that will have to be See now who takes care of them.

Mengó has said that the commissions have already "paid a large part of the cost of the failure, other budgetary items are committed for the development of a party that is already on the street. And now we do not know what will happen. It is total ruin." .

"They had to have foreseen all the repercussions that this decision entails," said the president of the Special Federation, who added that he hopes that a series of "financial aid for the injured entities such as commissions and, above all, the fallero artists, a group that is already very touched by the lack of profitability and that now can be definitely sunk if they do not receive financial aid. "

According to the fallero leader, "the evil is already done, now we have to demand solutions to see how we get out of this situation and that the authorities give a public explanation to the fallero world."

Mengó has commented that for this Wednesday there are meetings between the Valencia City Council, Fallera Central Board and faller organizations to receive information and coordinate all the actions that will be implemented from now on.

Link naar het artikel: https://www.levante-emv.com/fallas/2020/03/11/opiniones-fallas-especial-valencia/1988162.html
Laatst bewerkt:
Jammer voor de mensen in Valencia die al zovele uren aan voorbereiding erin hebben zitten als ook voor de mensen die er heen wilde gaan of al zijn gegaan.
Het enigste wat ik kan zeggen is dat ik hoop dat men er (nog) uit kan halen wat er in zit,dus enerzijds tegemoetkoming van wat of wie ook,anderzijds toch een gezonde alternatieve vakantie. Hopelijk verlooopt de 2021 versie zonder dit soort "geneuzel" en kan iedereen weer doen en beleven daar waar men al zo lang naar uitkijkt en voor heeft gespaard (y)


Website Filmer
City and Regional goverment will pay the costs for removing fallas

Fallas artists guild bets for July fair as new dates for fallas. Makes sense. In June is impossible as there are the Fogueres at Alicante and many artists work also there. July fair takes all the month with a fair, some fireworks (surprise!) and battle of flowers. So it coudl be on July but still there is a range of 31 days to choose. I bet a weekend.


Registered User
Zelf ook het verblijf om kunnen boeken naar volgend jaar.

Geld van de vluchten was ik toch al kwijt. Voornamelijk ivm weersverwachting het verblijf ingekort tot één nachtje. Nieuw hitel kostte na alle annuleringen niet veel meer. Zondagochtend vroeg heen en maandag eind van de middag weer terug




Zilveren Member
Bericht wat net is gedeeld op Facebook, door de pagina Cendra Digital (en even vertaald daarna):

Note from the EFE agency

The municipal falla of the Plaza del Ayuntamiento de València will finally burn on an undetermined date before the 19th, without public or prior announcement.

The City Council thus attends to the desire of the fallero artists who have created it together with the urban artist Escif, who had proposed to finish planting it and burn it as is tradition in this party during the night of San José.

Bron: Cendra Digital

En voor wat het waard is (heb het nog niet bevestigd gezien), maar Cendra Digital melde eerder vanavond ook het volgende:

Carlos Galiana, Councilor for Fiestas, has indicated that the failures that are "impossible" to dismantle and move, will be burned "behind closed doors" with a special police device.

Ik weet niet of hier echt op een apparaat gedoeld wordt, of dat er bedoeld wordt dat de straat wordt afgezet/afgeschermd en dat die poppen dan zonder publiek worden verbrand.
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