
The Cigarman

Meer info over de Brokat-Pastell:
: Funke
Collectie: Funke
Artikelnummer: FC25-25-13
Netto kruitgewicht: 475 gram
Aantal schoten: 25
Kaliber: 25 mm
Effect beschrijving:
25shots in caliber 25mm with the following effects:
1.) Z-shape:Brocade crown change to Aqua stars;
2.) Z-shape:Brocade crown change to Pink stars;
3.) Z-shape:Brocade crown change to orange stars;
4.) Z-shape:Brocade crown change to lemon stars;
5.) Fan-shape:Brocade crown change to Turquoise stars.

I wanted to make a mine cake for quite some time already. What I usually don´t like at the normally available mine cakes is, that those (similar to cakes with horsetail effects) just use the same stars as the bursting effects, that means same formula, size, burntime, hangtime etc, while the type of effect would actually allow to use bigger, longer burning stars with longer hanging sparks, which can have a strong lift and a wide spread.
I think we handled that quite well. Feel free to compare the hangtime of the gold and of the color tips with other mine cakes / effects available at the market, also in 30mm, even though our cake has only 25mm ;)
But sadly, we won´t be able to make this item in such quality so soon again, as it was still made in our own factory, which we had to quit due to the corona situation..



Registered User
Hij heeft het elke keer over een andere fabriek, kwam de laatste ygdrassil daar ook vandaan want die was naar horen zeggen een heel stuk minder. Hopelijk geen voorbode voor het komend seizoen
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Bronzen Member
Je ziet aan die iskra lijn al dat ze ook mindere kwaliteit gaan maken. Betere marge wss. Hun eigen fabriek is dicht


Je ziet aan die iskra lijn al dat ze ook mindere kwaliteit gaan maken. Betere marge wss. Hun eigen fabriek is dicht

Je ziet aan die iskra lijn al dat ze ook mindere kwaliteit gaan maken. Betere marge wss. Hun eigen fabriek is dicht
Vooral minder gedoe.


Registered User

Batch 2022

25 shots in caliber 25mm with the following effects:
1.) Z-shape:Brocade crown change to Aqua stars;
2.) Z-shape:Brocade crown change to Pink stars;
3.) Z-shape:Brocade crown change to orange stars;
4.) Z-shape:Brocade crown change to lemon stars;
5.) Fan-shape:Brocade crown change to Turquoise stars.

After an over 2 year long involuntary break, it´s time for the next attempt to make china great gaain ;) For the beginning the attampt to make quite simple items again first. So a simple mine cake fits well into this.
Although the battery is actually quite simple to produce, it still didn't turn out as good as the first batch. The stars have become a bit too big, which means that they fall back a little at the zenith; at the same time, there are fewer stars, which makes the effect look a bit emptier; and the stars get stuck in the tube, with some corners breaking off, making the timing of the color change being not as precise. Although I believe that there is still no better mine battery on the market, it is still annoying that the first batch was better.
Anyways, everything will take time to run smoothly again, unless something comes up beforehand, you never know in China..
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