Blinkweiden Blau - Nieuw 2018



N: FC30-25-4 25 Shots cakebox "Blinkweiden-Blau", Kal. 30mm, ca. 24 seconds (should be 31 according to the label), 500g NEM, CE category F2. 25 shots cakebox in caliber 30mm with glittering tail to blue peony with glittering willows in 4 different colors, shot alternating with the last 5 shots all at once. Effects: - White glittering tail to white glittering willow with blue stars - Red glittering tail to red glittering willow with blue stars - Green glittering tail to green glittering willow with blue stars - Gold glittering tail to gold glittering willow with blue stars As with all our 30mm cakes, we had huge problems with burntime for this cake this year, so we had to fix them all before we could deliver them, which took quite some time. Also, the new style of tails and especially the intended new style of glittering willows made problems at this item, so in the end we could just use the very normal stars and had to delay our new effect to next year.