
  1. Y

    [Movie] Mascleta Marti at Mercado Ruzafa 19-03-2008

    This is the mascleta at Mercado Ruzafa. Fired bij Pirotecnia Marti at 19-03-2008. The setup was very nice with only white masclets and a length of approximately 70 meters. The movie...
  2. Tony

    Altar de Ruzafa (Valencia)

    Wat: Mascleta Waar: Altar de Ruzafa (Mercado de Ruzafa) Wie: Pirotecnia Portugues Tijd: 14:00Uur
  3. activi

    Mascleta Ruzafa

    Mascleta of the Ruzafa market probably not as good as mascleta of falla 99, but it's still one of the best street mascleta. 7539993 Download link: Mascleta of the Ruzafa market Enjoy :cool: