MOVIE Amstel Nit de Les Fallas 2019

Wat vind jij van deze show? Nit de Les Falles geschoten door Pirotecnia Ricardo Caballer

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Zilveren Member
Vertaling van een nieuwsartikel op de website van Las Provincias, met wat meer info:

Valencia will host the highest vertical mascletà in history

Ricardo Caballer will kick off the pyrotechnic calendar of Las Fallas 2019

Next February 23 will be celebrated the kick-off to the pyrotechnic calendar of the Fallas 2019 with the highest vertical mascletá in history. It will be in front of Veles e Vents, in La Marina de Valencia, thanks to the collaboration of Amstel, the City Council and the pyrotechnic maestro Ricardo Caballer.

For the third consecutive year, they join forces in a show that is expected to exceed that of previous years. The chosen scenario will be again against Veles e Vents.

Recognition to all committees

The proposal will serve as a tribute because the 392 fallas Valencia will play a role in the show. And the date of February 23 has been chosen to avoid coincidences with official program events of the Fallas 2019.

With a duration similar to last year's, around 10 minutes, it will combine the best elements of the mascletà and the fireworks castle in what is becoming a genre of its own. The objective is to take full advantage of the potential to shoot at night, by the sea, in a special environment such as the surroundings of Veles e Vents, but without losing the intensity that characterizes the Valencian pyrotechnic tradition.

In addition, the design has been made thinking that you can enjoy it to the maximum of people, from any point of the Navy and many areas of the city.

Without being able to go into detail yet, the show will include, among other innovations, the highest vertical mascletà in history. And it will join force with spectacularity, since it is foreseen that the final earthquake will concentrate a power equivalent to three Mascletaes of the Plaza del Ayuntamiento.

Thus, it presents a unique show in the world, able to respond to the demands of the Valencian public and fallero, which wants intensity, noise, gunpowder aroma ... but also values the beauty of the shot, the colors, lights and drawings that they are formed in the sky.



Zilveren Member
Stiekem hoopte ik er al op en hield ik er ook al wel een klein beetje rekening mee, maar als het dan ook wordt bevestigd is het wel heel goed nieuws!

Ben ook benieuwd naar wat voor hijskraan ze nu neer gaan zetten, aangezien het afgelopen jaar al echt hoge hijskranen waren! Ook het feit dat het de bedoeling is de toch al (knetter)gekke show van afgelopen jaar te overtreffen, maakt mij wel heel nieuwsgierig!

Voor mensen die vergeten zijn hoe de show er afgelopen jaar uit zag:


Zilveren Member
Wat meer details over de 'Nit de Les Falles':

Next Saturday at 8:00 p.m., all lovers of gunpowder have a great date. In front of the Veles e Vents building (in the Royal Marina of Valencia), the Vertical Mascletá 2019 "AMSTEL NIT DE LES FALLES" will take place, shot by the RICASA pyrotechnics.

Hold on, come curves! The Vertical Mascletá of this year will be 15 times more powerful than a mascletá of the Pz. The City Council will have about 1,700 kg of pyrotechnic material; the actual "mascletá vertical" of the show will be 120 meters high by 50 wide and some 5,000 thunder will form a thunderous aerial earthquake that in 20 seconds will consume 600 kg of pyrotechnic material. And 382 of these thunder will be provided by the Fallas Valencia commissions, with their name and the reason that makes them special.

During that evening, the Consortium of the Navy and Amstal Art will offer concerts and DJ sessions to complement the AMSTEL NIT DE LES FALLES, in a day that serves to start the official program of the faults 2019.

With all this ... are you going to miss it?

#TFmascletero #AMSTELNITDELESFALLES # mascletàVertical # mascletà # sompólvora

Bericht afkomstig van El Turista Fallero on facebook:


Zilveren Member
Damn, dat zijn wel even indrukwekkende getallen zeg! Even ter vergelijk:
2018: 1275 kg kruitgewicht
2019: 1700 kg kruitgewicht

Hoogte terremoto vertical:
2018: 50 meter (wel dubbel)
2019: 120 meter (en dan 50 meter breed!)

Ben echt benieuwd wat voor hijskranen ze gaan gebruiken om die 120 meter te halen! :eek:o_O


Zilveren Member
Officieel persbericht (vertaald) met betrekking tot de Nit de Les Falles:

All Valencian faults will collaborate to build the highest vertical mascletà in history. Amstel, València City Council, La Marina Consortium and Ricardo Caballer have presented the AMSTEL NIT DE LES FALLES, an event that opens up - never better - the pyrotechnic calendar of the festivities, recognizing the 382 committees that make up the fallero map.

Veles e Vents has hosted a press conference in which all the details of the appointment scheduled for Saturday, February 23, at 8:00 pm have been given, precisely in front of the emblematic building, cultural, educational and gastronomic project of HEINEKEN Spain in its Bet on València.

Alejandro Rodríguez, Director of Institutional Relations of HEINEKEN Spain in Levante, thanked the City Council and Caballer for the opportunity to work together to offer the Valencians once again a unique shot in the world: "For us it is an honor not only to sponsor all the mascletaes from the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, also be able to create these special shows that thousands of Valencians enjoy, "he pointed out. The company has been closely linked to the region for more than 75 years and is the only large brand brewer with a factory in the Community, in Quart de Poblet, which contributes to the generation of employment and economic dynamism.

Regarding Amstel's link with Las Fallas, it has been developing for three decades and is intensifying in each edition, collaborating in the official program of festivities, working at the foot of the house with 60% of the fallas commissions and creating their own initiatives, as the second edition of the Premi Amstel 'Unes Falles de Categoria' that for the one that is already open the term of inscription in the profile of Facebook of Amstel Spain and that, beyond the monument, values the aspects that make special to each and every one of the fallas commissions.

"That spirit of recognition is also in this show that we have baptized AMSTEL NIT DE LES FALLES and in which all Fallas commissions are going to have a leading role," said Rodríguez. Amstel has contacted each one to collect the reasons that make them special. Those stories, along with their names, will be included in 382 thunders whose caliber is 50% larger than usual and which will be added to another 4,600 to build the highest and most powerful vertical mascletà that has ever been fired.


The 5,000 thunder that make up the air quake will be housed on a platform 100 meters high by 50 meters wide, suspended by a special crane 20 meters high. "To give you an idea, it's like two Migueletes together, one on top of the other; I think there is no building in Valencia so high, "said the pyrotechnic master Ricardo Caballer during the presentation.

AMSTEL NIT DE LES FALLES will concentrate in just 20 seconds the explosion of 600 kilos of pyrotechnic material in an end never seen. But before there will be many other surprises: "we are going to test effects that have not been triggered until now and with which we want to make the most of that combination that allows us to get the best out of the mascletà and the fireworks castle", said Caballer, who thanks the sponsor for his commitment to innovation and the opportunity to create his own pyrotechnic genre thanks to the shows he has been shooting with Amstel for 3 years.

From the location, the pyrotechnic highlights that "the Marina is a very open space, which allows to use more power". And he assures that with about 1,700 kilos of pyrotechnic material, the NIT DE LES FALLES multiplies by 15 the majority of mascletaes that are fired in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento.
He also points out that colors and visual effects shine a lot in this seaside setting. "We will have about 170 meters parallel to the dock to create a 180 ° fire zone. Look where you look, the audience will find a show with a fast pace, from the minute zero will be at the top, "Caballer explained.


AMSTEL NIT DE LES FALLES marks the start of the pyrotechnic calendar of the festivities and will serve to warm the fallero atmosphere. The Councilman of Festive Culture Pere Fuset has highlighted the date and space chosen because they allow all Valencian, Fallas and pyrotechnics enthusiasts to enjoy the show. "We have tried that the appointment does not coincide with any official act, so that everyone who wants to can get closer to enjoy the pyrotechnic Amstel show, which is becoming a tradition," said the Councilor of Festive Culture. In addition, it has recommended a spread out arrival throughout the day to avoid the collapse of access points to the harbour.

"This year, together with Veles e Vents, we are going to schedule activities throughout the day, so that people can come early, enjoy the surroundings and the leisure proposals, take time to see the shot," he said. noted Vicent Llorens, Director of the Consortium of La Marina, who recalled the great success of affluence that meant last year, with the highest concentration of public achieved in this enclave of the city so far.

From 11:30 to 14:30 the Concerts of La Pergola, with Cloud Nothings and Mad Robot are scheduled.
At 15:30 the afternoon begins at Amstel Art, open access until full capacity, with a session of DJ Carlos Olivares.
At 5pm, the Valencian rock band Chesterton will perform and at 6:15 it will be the turn of the Madrid group Yawners and their review of the 90s pop sound.

After both concerts, the animation will follow the hand of DJ. Carlos Olivares until 7:30 p.m. Amstel Art will be closed during the pyrotechnic show and will reopen its doors at the end of the V Anniversary of the record label and independent electronic music promoter from Valencia Verlag System. A series of concerts with bands like MKM, 0600 or Noisegg for which it will be necessary to acquire tickets.

To these leisure proposals are added the gastronomic in the three restaurants of Veles e Vents and other points of the dock, to complete a day dedicated to all Fallas commissions and open to the enjoyment of all Valencians.


Zilveren Member
Haha ja ik heb hier ook enorm veel zin in, echt enorm benieuwd 😁😁

Ik ook! Zeker benieuwd wat de hele stellage wordt waaraan de mascletà vertical wordt opgehangen. Betreft dus niet één of twee hele hoge hijskrangen, maar een 'platform' van 100 meter hoog met daarop nog 'speciale' hijskranen van 20 hoog..... Benieuwd hoe ik mij dat bouwwerk voor moet stellen! :unsure:


Registered User
Stiekem hoopte ik er al op en hield ik er ook al wel een klein beetje rekening mee, maar als het dan ook wordt bevestigd is het wel heel goed nieuws!

Ben ook benieuwd naar wat voor hijskraan ze nu neer gaan zetten, aangezien het afgelopen jaar al echt hoge hijskranen waren! Ook het feit dat het de bedoeling is de toch al (knetter)gekke show van afgelopen jaar te overtreffen, maakt mij wel heel nieuwsgierig!

Voor mensen die vergeten zijn hoe de show er afgelopen jaar uit zag:
Holy fucking Moly, wat heb ik net gezien! Ja nu ben ik zeker te weten hyped en kan niet wachten op de beelden van overmorgen!


Zilveren Member
Ben stiekem ook wel nieuwsgierig hoe de terremoto gaat zijn!

Doordat er afgelopen jaar 1 kant te vroeg ging door vonkoverslag, heb ik altijd het gevoel gehouden van; 'wat als beide kanten van de terremoto tegelijk waren afgegaan?!?'

Dit jaar dus een herkansing met 1 hele dikke terremoto, welke dus in ieder geval altijd in 1x af zou moeten gaan!

Gezien de hele stellage die ze gaan bouwen, verwacht ik vandaag of morgen wel de eerste foto's van de bouw daarvan. Benieuwd hoe dat er uit gaat zien.


Registered User
Is die man niet te blokkeren ofzo? Ik ken hem niet, maar elke keer als hij iets plaatst dan is het vaak negatief. Vind het erg vervelend eerlijk gezegd. Maakt het forum erg onoverzichtelijk mijn inziens


Registered User
Is het omdat gewoon zo weinig mensen van het forum deze show gaan bezoeken, of ben ik één van de weinigen die echt "hyped" is voor deze show?!? :eek:

Denk dat de meesten hier hyped zijn. In het midden gelaten of we er wel of niet bij zijn. Dat ga ik lekker bekijken met mijn vrouwtje en dochter op de 40inch monitor. Licht uit en geluid op bam bam bam! Of biem biem biem dat weet ik nog niet 🤣